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Be the Love You Wish to See in the World!

Join Us And Make Your Life An Everyday Love Story.

Hosted by Liv & Lex Thompson together with a collective of open-hearted Humans

Do Love Challenge app
Many of us are frustrated by the amount of fear and division in the world and know there are better ways to live. In all the chaos, it can feel daunting to know where to start.
Our answer: 
Do Love… in small and simple ways. Step by step, we’ll raise the vibrational frequency of humanity from fear to LOVE.
Love is what makes life worth living. Small acts of love and kindness have a significant impact on our mental health and well-being. Similarly, taking the time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors empowers you to gain insight into your own beliefs, values, and motivations, which creates clarity to make positive changes in your life.
When you Do Love for a few minutes each day, you make your life an everyday love story that will make you and those around you feel more connected, positive, and fulfilled. 


5 Minutes x 21 Days

Challenge Starts

Feb 11, 2024


💚 Celebrate your love with us!

💚 Be an active part in creating the world you want to live in.

💚 Improve your mood and feel more positive.

💚 Make new friends in our prospering community.

💚 Feel a greater sense of belonging and connection.

💚 Build and strengthen relationships with others.

100% Of Our App Users Agree

…the app is easy to use.

…daily mini tasks make it easy to stay consistent.

...the app was a positive influence in my life.


Love is both a noun and a verb. Oftentimes the experience or feeling of love, the noun, precedes the desire to move love into an expression.
Here we explore ways to express love in so many forms, not simply the “romantic notion”. These expressions can help to strengthen relationships and build a sense of connection and belonging.
Additionally, allowing acts of love to flow through you (not just get stuck in your thoughts) can have positive effects on your own well-being, as it can boost your mood and self-esteem, and help you feel more positive and fulfilled.
Join us and discover 21 Ways to Do Love, and with that, be the love that you want to see in the world.
Decoration 4
Decoration 2


Do Love is hosted on a social self-coaching app that’s rooted in applicable neuroscience, positive psychology, human development and connection.
It comes with personal coaching and a supportive community of like-hearted humans aspiring to Do and Feel More Love.
Everyone starts the program at the same time. It’s designed to be both easy to follow, and instantly beneficial by supporting the consistent application of small changes to produce exponentially better results over time.


Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is important for feeling good about yourself and being able to give and receive love.

Focusing on the things that you appreciate in your life, whether it be the people in your life, your accomplishments, or the simple pleasures, can help you feel more positive and loving.

Building and maintaining close relationships can help you feel more loved and connected to others.

Doing kind things for others, whether it be a small gesture or a more significant act, can help you feel more loving and fulfilled.

Engaging in activities that bring you happiness and meaning can help you feel more positive and loving towards yourself and your life.

Reflecting on the things that are most important to you can help you focus on the things that truly matter and feel more loving towards yourself and others.

Letting go of grudges and practicing forgiveness can help you feel more loving towards yourself and others.

Share A Do Love Story With Us!

Our mission is to collect and share 1,000,000 love stories. We call them:

Love Sparks

What's a Love Spark?

A Love Spark combines a short love story about a person, place, animal, experience, passion, and more with an invitation to Do Love and turn love into a verb.


Lex Thompson

My bios used to list a lot of education, certifications, and big WINS; you are welcome to read much of that on my LinkedIn profile. What I want to share here with you is who I am.

My life’s mission is to create safe spaces for souls to show up. Throughout my life, it’s manifested in a variety of ways: friend, mother, partner, leader, entrepreneur, executive coach, conflict resolutionist, keynote speaker, author, intuitive, integration coach, and evolving human.

Some fun things I have done over the past 5 years:

Creator of the Gratitude 540 Journal Series, Gratitude 540 short stories, and author of the best-selling book The Power of a Graceful Leader.

I have learned to be a chicken farmer, vegetable and herb gardener, and official tree friend (check out my friend’s book Reroot). I am getting better at making pizza in the outdoor oven without burning my hair. I never get tired of the morning and evening sky and treasure the “good morning” and “goodnight” they offer. I cherish my morning routine. My word and focus for 2024 is relationship.

I am most excited about this adventure here and us all coming together to Do Love in so many fun and unexpected ways. We have a lofty goal of 1M Love Sparks (your love stories) with the world in the next 36 months! Let’s have fun and create some “good” trouble together.

Liv Wickedly

Hello friend! My name is Liv, and I’m the first-born of the lady above (which obviously makes me the best one 😎). Like Lex, you’re welcome to read my resume on LinkedIn. Instead of listing credentials here, I’ll be sharing what has me excited about being human and doing love.

I get to wake up every morning to a gorgeous mountain view on a small family farm full of fun and plucky animals. I live with the love of my life, a 13 year-old collie shepherd mix who teaches me about kindness, consistency, and presence every day.

I’m an artist at heart and am at my best when I use my imagination to be of service to others. I typically express this part of me through my writing, graphic design, dance, and creative problem-solving. 

I am blessed enough to be a part of a community of conscious, loving, service-driven people who have repeatedly demonstrated the vital importance of communal support and love. This is the primary inspiration for my “Why?” behind Do Love. It wasn’t until I intentionally surrounded myself with the most aligned people and allowed myself to receive prosperity through community that I found the beauty within. 

I hope that this challenge inspires you to join our community so you too can feel the empowerment, magic, and courage you inherently possess. You are your purpose, and doing love is your mission. Welcome aboard!


The 7-day Do Love app experience includes an array of self-reflective mini-tasks centered around the science of building productive habits.

It’s a learn-by-doing model that encourages you to reflect on your practices and daily actions. 

You will access the program at your own time and play along at your comfort level.

Get inspired by others like you! Participants reveal the creative ways with which they Do Love, learn and grow.

Social interactions and shared acknowledgements keep it fun and motivating to stay engaged.

It’s our gift to you – you just show up, share your love, and play!

Yes, absolutely. A program like this is a fantastic way to engage with your colleagues or community members in a fun and meaningful way, plus strengthen connections and culture. 

Email Us and we can chat about setting up a private Challenge for your team(s)!

Make Your Life Into An Everyday Love Story