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Love Sparks

Hello fellow Do Lover,

We’re excited you’re here exploring how to be one in a million! Truth is, we already know you are, and we want to share your Love Spark with the world.

We have a goal of 1 million love stories shared in our Do Love Collective as one way we can all experience love as a verb.  We are committed to sharing 1 million stories in the next 36 months! 

How it Works:

  • You share a love story of your choice with us on a 30-minute video call, then we share it with the world.

It’s that easy! 

You can choose the area to focus your love story on, a person (past or present), place, animal, passion, etc.  We will produce and share it with the world, and you will be able to do the same. 

You don’t need to be famous or have a ton of followers on social media. If you feel the call to share a love story, we want to hear it. 

Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will get back to you so we can get this party started!

Can you imagine the amazing impact we will have on our world with this outpouring of love? We can and are giddy with excitement. 

Thanks for joining our collective,

Liv & Lex

Love sparks Submission Form